Within the european project CrossEUWBA, the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM) organizes a workshop for Women Business Angels with the cooperation of Business Angels Frankfurt Rhein-Main at the IHK in Wiesbaden.
Afterwards it will take place a Speed Pitch with the presentation of four Startups.
Theme of the Workshop are seven fundamental items for Business Angels.
For more information, see below. Be curious and register under the following link!
_ Here you can find the program with the registration form.
_ The deadline for the registration is on the 4th August 2018.
The participation is free.
18:30 Welcome speech
Andreas Lukic, president of Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain (BA-FRM)
18.45 An introduction in 7 steps
- Which is the difference between Business Angels and investors?
- Finding Startups
- What is important for the choice of a Startup?
- Investing together or on your own?
- The participation agreement
- A long path: supporting a Startup
- Exit strategy
20.15 Discussion and change of room for the Speed Pitch
Fore more information, please contact:
Sonia Barani
Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland (ITKAM)
+49 (0) 3024310447